Infrastructure Service Lab

ISR (Infrastructure Service) Lab conduct research infrastructure-based service such as Voice Service, Messaging Communication Service, Video Service (Triple-play service), service quality & experience, and other related future research.

We Have 3 Lab Members

Sri Ponco Kisworo

Syawaludin Rachmatullah

Bagus Facsi Aginsa

Research Area

  • Rich Communication Services (SoftClient IMS for Enterprise)
  • TV Message Platform
  • SMS Content Platform
  • WebRTC Platform (Click to Call)
  • Open Standard (Open STB)
  • Enhance Telkom TV Service TV Hospitality
  • Unified EPG Platform
  • Cloud TV Platform
  • Quality of Service
  • Bandwidth Management Service
  • Open TV Platform (IPTV)
  • EPG for Cloud TV
  • Dynamic Bit rate Video
  • Voice Services Utilization
  • Service Optimization (Bandwidth)

Lab Capability

Video Platform

ISR Lab has conducted research to support Telkom's Video Platform. Our vision is to de-couple all the components on the video platform for eliminates dependency on vendor-owned hardware.Some of the components that have been and are being researched are Media Server, vCDN, U-EPG, and TVMS.

Communication Platform

ISR Lab has conducted research in the field of voice to support DSS in renewing voice services that are transformed into SIP Phones. To ensure the security of the SIP Phone service, a SIP Middleware is created that functions as an AAA Gateway.

Conference Platform

ISR Lab has conducted research related to WebRTCtechnology using SFU architecture which can beused as a conference facility. This Conference Platform can be used for many verticalsolutions such as education, meetings, medical, socialand so on. This Conference Platform has been used by Umeetmeproducts which were superior products during the WFH era in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.